Adenoviruses for better brain function
DOI:Ключевые слова:
adenovirus, vaccine, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, mechanismsАннотация
Using adenoviruses for therapy became well accepted due to some vaccines against COVID-19 pandemic. Actually, not the native viruses, but a recombinant form lacking fertility—a so called vector—is used with the aim to transfer genetic materials to adult cells. Decades of research preceded this development. Although the most important field of utilization is the vaccines, but neurological and even psychiatric disorders may also benefit from viral vectors. Neurons seem to be especially convenient target for viral vectors as they are considered as non-dividing cells. Extra genetic information provided by the viral vectors is not integrated into the genome rather remains in the cytoplasm as plasmid. During repeated cell divisions the cell loses this extra information, it is “diluted” and finally disappears. It is not the case in the slow dividing cells including neurons. For preclinical research purposes canine adenovirus 2 is widely used. It is a retrograde transporter therefore especially good in marking specific pathways between remote brain areas and providing a useful tool for functional brain mapping. Therapeutic usages include restoration of missing enzymes or parts of sensory systems and treatment of cancer. All in all, at present most of the studies on brain utilizing adenoviral vectors are still in preclinical phase and focus on studying mechanisms. However, we should be aware of this important topic, which may be an everyday therapy in the future.
Библиографические ссылки
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