Aims & Scope

Integrative Physiology (alternative title Integrativnaya fiziologiya) accepts submissions covering a wide range of current issues of physiology, as well as physiological aspects of related sciences, i.e. genetics, zoology, anatomy, histology, embryology, molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics.

Integrative Physiology strives to make an impact in international research by publishing reviews and original papers on current global issues of physiology and physiological aspects of related sciences. Physiology, as a field that aims to study the functioning of the body both in its healthy and unhealthy condition, is worthy of a central place within the family of biological and medical sciences, as it is indeed the foundation of medicine.

The journal is unique in following the framework of integrative physiology that was founded by Ivan Pavlov and that is now the key vector of development in modern physiology.  Indeed, it is one of the primary goals of this journal to promote the development of integrative physiology, an approach that aims to study how each of the body’s components works as a part of the integrated whole, both in healthy and unhealthy conditions.

The journal welcomes submissions that:
place the processes that are being studied within the context of the functioning of the integrated body;
focus on mechanisms that coordinate the interaction between various sub-systems of the body and preserve its integrity;
report new information regarding the processes within the body;
highlight the importance of physiology of medicine, biology and healthcare;
promote the key position of physiology within life sciences and, ultimately, promote human health.

The journal publishes:
results of original theoretical and experimental research;
new methodology for physiological research;
articles on the history of physiology;
critical reviews;
brief announcements.

The Editorial Office welcomes polemical articles. The journal follows modern ethical standards for academic periodicals.

The journal readership includes a wide range of researchers, clinical specialists, teaching staff of higher education institutions, doctoral students, senior undergraduate medical students, practicing doctors and teachers. The journal is a forum for leading Russian and international scholars and welcomes submissions from researchers from different countries.