Visual perception of real and virtual visual stimuli by older preschoolers
preschool children, choice, duration of learning, real visual stimuli, virtual visual stimuli, informative feature, visual-motor responseAbstract
The purpose of the work is to fulfill a comparative analysis of the ability of children 6–7 years old to process visual information presented on real and virtual media. It is proved that in preschool age, the standards-images that underlie thinking are formed by direct manipulation of the child with real objects, which forms a connection between physiological and mental processes. When a child interacts with a computer, this first and necessary stage of learning is excluded, forcing him to immediately proceed to more complex operations. However, the problem of assimilation of virtual information by a child has been little studied both in Russia and in the world. Basically, studies of this problem are associated with the influence of various devices on the psychophysical state of the child, and little attention is paid to the quality of learning. Physically and mentally healthy children 6–7 (6 ± 0.5) years old took part in the study with the written permission of their parents. The task consisted of teaching them the choice of graphic visual stimuli presented on cardboard carriers (real) and on a monitor screen (virtual). It was found that children learned faster and with better projections to recognize and select real visual stimuli presented on paper (contour image) in comparison with similar stimuli presented on a monitor screen. The obtained facts showed the need to teach a 6–7-year-old child using examples of real visual stimuli, taking into account his current individual age-related psychophysiological capabilities. The results obtained indicate the need to take into account the psychophysiological age characteristics and the speed of the visual-motor reaction of preschoolers when reading virtual information from electronic devices.
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