Foreign scientists in I. P. Pavlov’s laboratories
I. P. Pavlov, history of physiology, international relations in physiology, foreign physiologists, zoopsychology, dissemination of Pavlov’s ideas abroadAbstract
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov created one of the largest scientific schools in physiology. In addition to Russian young scientists and specialists, many foreign colleagues worked in his laboratories. Since 1902, scientists from Europe, and later from the United States, began to come to the Physiological Department of the Imperial Institute of Experimental Medicine (IIEM). They sought to familiarize themselves, first of all, with the surgical methods used by I. P. Pavlov in preparing experimental dogs for observations in a chronic experiment. Among Pavlov’s foreign interns and trainees were physiologists, physicians, pathologists, zoopsychologists. Both young and already famous scientists were among them. Having visited Pavlov’s laboratories, they, as a rule, maintained contacts with Ivan Petrovich, being in long correspondence with him, sending him their articles and receiving new publications from Pavlov and his employees. Foreign trainees not only used Pavlov’s methods in their experiments, but also greatly contributed to the dissemination of his ideas abroad. The article tells about many of Pavlov’s foreign trainees, some information about their scientific research is given.
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