Quantification of response latencies in receptive fields of single neurons of the mouse auditory midbrain and cortex





auditory cortex, inferior colliculus, single neurons, frequency receptive fields, response latencies


The variability of response latencies in the excitatory frequency receptive fields of single neurons of the mouse auditory midbrain and cortex was assessed in present study. Our results showed that there are fundamental differences in neuronal response latencies dynamics between the brainstem and cortical levels of the auditory system. The latencies of responses of the inferior colliculus neurons to the tones of non-characteristic frequencies varied in different units from 2 up to 42 ms. In the central nucleus of inferior colliculus neurons, the shift of the neuronal response latency from one assessed while the characteristic frequency tone was presented, as a rule, occurred as a latency increase. In the primary auditory cortex neurons, the response latencies in their excitatory frequency receptive fields were more variable than those of the inferior colliculi neurons, and their variation range reached 85 ms. The obtained data suggest the changes in contribution of inhibition to the sound analysis along the ascending auditory pathway from the auditory brainstem centers to the auditory cortex.


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