Self-assessment of the influence of speleoclimatotherapy on the human body
speleoclimatotherapy, speleochamber, speleoclimate, symptom, human body, non-drug treatment, health restorationAbstract
The influence of speleoclimatotherapy on the human body was investigated using questionnaire data. The study involved 29 volunteer 2nd year of Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko. The course of speleoclimatotherapy consisted of 10 sessionsof 60 minutes each and was carried out in a stationary surface speleological chamber at a temperature of 18–22 °C. The subjects were offered a questionnaire to assess their condition during speleoclimatotherapy (each specific day) and the overall results of the treatment. The analysis of the data obtained was carried out using the Excel version 16. According to the results, despite the alarming symptoms the subjects experienced during the speleoclimatotherapy treatment itself, 85% of them noted positive changes in their functional state, while 15% did not notice any changes. None of the patients reported a negative effect of speleoclimatotherapy on their well-being or functional state, despite our previous findings indicating a mixed effect of speleoclimate on the EEG, immune and cardiovascular system of the person undergoing the treatment. This is a key motivation for further study into the subtle internal mechanisms of the impact of speleoclimate on human health, since the subjective assessment of one’s state of health does not always correspond to the changes occurring in human systems, organs and tissues.
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