The role of the central parts of the amygdala in regulating rat hemodynamics under stress
amygdala, central nucleus of the amygdala, cardiovascular system, amygdalectomy, rats, stress responseAbstract
Stress has an adverse effect on health and is a risk factor for the development of many diseases. Modern neurobiological studies show that amygdala structures are hyperactivated under stressful conditions, making it clear that they play a role in the stress syndrome. However, the nature and mechanism of the connection between amygdala and stress are still unclear. We have studied the influence of the amygdala on the cardiovascular system of rats under chronic stress, which in the future may be useful for identifying the role of the amygdala complex in the implementation of stress reactions in rats. The work was carried out on mature female rats divided equally into the experimental and control groups. First, the animals underwent a central amygdalectomy under intraperitoneal nembutal anaesthesia. In the experimental group of rats, the structure under study was destroyed by the electrolytic method, the control group underwent a false “destruction” of the amygdala. Second, the animals were allowed a recovery period of seven days. Then, both groups were subjected to chronic mild stress for two weeks. After that, we measured the hemodynamic parameters of their cardiovascular systems and analysed their blood tests. The results obtained during our experiment show that the destruction of the central nucleus of the amygdala complex leads to changes in hemodynamic parameters of the cardiovascular system.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ekaterina I. Bakulina, Anastasia D. Yudanova, Irina D. Romanova, Alexey N. Inyushkin

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