Pedagogical psychophysiology of Konstantin Ushinsky
Ushinsky, pedagogical psychophysiology, history of physiology, attention, memory, skills and habits formationAbstract
The article discusses a range of physiological issues raised by K. D. Ushinsky in his work Man as the Object of Education: Evidence from Pedagogical Anthropology. Ushinsky focuses on physiological laws and provides a comprehensive analysis of the physiology of the nervous system relevant for that time period. In particular, he describes the reflex arc, cranial nerves, the work of muscles and sensory systems, the development of fatigue. He also makes an attempt to explain mental phenomena based on the systemic approach to the physiology of the nervous system. Considering the relationship between physiology and psychology, Ushinsky describes a number of issues that are important for pedagogical psychophysiology. Among them are the following: the role of repetition and exercises in the development of skills and habits; mental processes important for learning including attention, memory, perception, speech and thinking; patterns of psyche development in ontogenesis, and a physiological basis for individual/typological differences. The beginning of the first volume of Anthropology explores quite a wide range of topics and reads easily. Thus, the first volume offers a great opportunity for the modern Russian-speaking readers to get a detailed understanding of the mid-19th century state of the art in the physiology of human nervous system. In addition to the historical interest, Ushinsky’s work has numerous intersections with the modern research avenues in psychophysiology.
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