The impact of hypoxia on Drosophila chromosomal apparatus in 3-hydroxykynurenine accumulation




Drosophila, hypoxia, double-stranded breaks, 3-hydroxykynurenine, oxidative stress


M. E. Lobashev and V. B. Savvateev’s research laid the foundation for studying the relationship between neuroplasticity and reaction to extreme conditions. Common mechanisms underlying adaptive reactions and learning have been proven to exist. Hypoxia is one of the most common damaging factors in various adverse external and internal effects. Severe forms of hypoxia suppress neuroplasticity and cause learning and memory disorders. Chromatin remodelling and expression of genes involved in memory formation and learning may require double-stranded DNA breaks because they accompany intense matrix processes in neurogenesis and serve as indicators of physiological neuronal activity. Stimulation of regulatory cascades involved in learning has an impact on adaptive response formation. For instance, metabolites of the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan metabolism affect the synaptic plasticity processes that regulate memory formation and learning. This article studies the effect of hypoxia on the state of chromosomal apparatus in Drosophila cd mutant (accumulation of 3-hydroxykynurenine). We discover interlinear differences in the frequency of double-stranded DNA breaks following exposure to hypoxia in mutant cd and wild-type CS strain. Obtained data are discussed in terms of the relationship between neuroplasticity processes, circadian rhythm regulation, and mechanisms for adapting to extreme conditions.



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