Effect of hypothermia on discharge properties of neurons in the house mouse (Mus musculus) primary auditory cortex





auditory cortex, hypothermia, single neurons, house mouse, discharge properties, auditory post-stimulus adaptation


The paper reports the results of the study that investigated discharges of neurons in the primary auditory cortex of the house mouse (Mus musculus) under general hypothermia. The study focused on multiunit response amplitude, latencies and post-stimulus adaptation to a series of tones at normal body temperature, at body temperature reduced by 1–6 ºС and after the normalization of temperature in anesthetized animals. The data were obtained from extracellular recordings. The study showed a significant increase in latencies (on average of 49 ms) and the replacement of patch discharge with a long-latency response. Anesthetized animals do not show such behaviour of auditory cortex neurons at normal body temperature. The amplitude of multiunit responses decreased to the point of a complete fade-away. Parameters of post-stimulus adaptation to a series of tonal signals registered under normal body temperature were distorted during hypothermia. Normalization of body temperature resulted in the recovery of activity typical for primary auditory cortex neurons: the appearance of responses to sound signals with a latency of less than 35 ms, the normalization of post-stimulus adaptation in response to a series of tonal signals in all studied neurons and the normalization of summary response amplitude.


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