Structural and functional parameters of the intestine in rats with different nervous system excitability




rat lines, nervous system excitability, small intestine structure, digestive enzymes, intestinal defense mechanisms


The paper reports the results of the study on structural parameters of the intestine and the activity of a number of intestinal membrane enzymes in rat lines with high and low thresholds of nervous system excitability (HP, LP, low excitable and highly excitable, respectively) under normal conditions. It was found that the number of enterocytes and intraepithelial lymphocytes on the villi of the ileum increased in HP rats compared to LP animals. These changes in HP rats were accompanied by an increase in the activity of maltase in the ileum mucosa. In addition, HP rats showed a reduction in the activity of alkaline phosphatase in the mucosa and chyme of the large intestine. Compared to the LP line, HP rats also showed an increase in the mass of chyme in this part of the intestine. The latter may indicate a higher sensitivity of the intestine to inflammation and a lower motor activity of the colon in HP rats. The study revealed patterns in the relationship between the genetically determined level of excitability of the nervous system and the structural and functional characteristics of the intestine in adult animals. It allows us to conclude that low excitability of the nervous system may be related to an increased risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease.



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