Cellular tissue regeneration: Effects of magnetic fields of different intensity and synthetic oligopeptides





magnetic field, different genesis tissues, proliferation, cellular differentiation, oligopeptides


The Earth’s magnetic field is subject to continuous changes. It has also been shown to induce effect on the vital activities of all living organisms. These factors make the study of magneto-biological effects important and highly relevant. From the biological point of view, weak magnetic fields, especially weak static magnetic fields, are among the most poorly understood, however, they have a noticeable effect on living organisms, including humans. The use of such fields is on the rise, which requires a comprehensive understanding of mechanisms behind their effect on living things. The article investigates the effect of weak static magnetic fields amplified and weakened relative to the Earth’s magnetic field on cellular tissue regeneration. It has been shown that one of the main cellular processes—proliferation—increases when the cells are exposed to enhanced or depressed static magnetic fields. The greatest effect of such exposure is observed in mesodermal tissue, i. e., the myocardium, vessels, and muscles. The effect of tissue-specific oligopeptides on cellular proliferation is comparable to that of static magnetic fields: the stimulation of cellular regeneration occurs primarily in the myocardium, muscles, and vessels. A special focus is given to the therapeutic potential of weak magnetic fields and their interaction with clinical drugs in various pathologies.



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