Herzen University Department of Human and Animal Anatomy and Physiology: Some pages of history. Traditions and innovations


  • Tamara A. Smirnova Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia




Department of Human and Animal Anatomy and Physiology, history, Saint Petersburg Imperial Founding Hospital, I. M. Sechenov, I. P. Pavlov, N. E. Vvedensky, human anatomy and physiology, traditions and innovations


The article is based on the author’s memories of fifty years of study and work at the Department
of Human and Animal Anatomy and Physiology (from 1965 to 2015). It analyses historical prerequisites
for the development of research in human anatomy and physiology within the walls of Saint Petersburg
Imperial Founding Hospital. A particular focus in given to the contribution of the Russian educator I. I. Betskoy
in the organisation of women’s pedagogical education in Russia. The article also contains the author’s memories
about the Department’s teaching staff and the organisation of classes in histology, anatomy and human
physiology during her time as a student. Another part of the article focuses on the Department’s educational
efforts at the professional development courses for teachers of pedagogical universities. Besides, the article
provides interesting facts from the life of famous scientists from among the members of the Department’s
teaching staff. It gives a comparative analysis of the Department’s research avenues over a fifty-year span and
describes the contribution of physiologists who ran the Department. The article outlines the main traditions
of the Department. Among them is continuity in the study of important issues in physiology — a tradition that
goes back to I. M. Sechenov. Finally, the article describes innovation implemented in the Department’s research
activity, in particular, new methods of conducting electrophysiological research.



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