The development of N. E. Vvedensky’s theory of parabiosis by L. V. Latmanizova




history of physiology, Latmanizova, parabiosis, Vvedensky's regularities, lability, membrane potentials, ontogeny


The article discusses the contribution of Lyudmila V. Latmanizova (1906–1982) to Russian and international studies in physiology and outlines her academic interests in different periods of life. More than 20 years of Prof. Latmanizova’s life and research are associated with the Department of Human and Animal Anatomy and Physiology, Herzen University Faculty of Biology. The article provides a general overview of Latmanizova’s research with a special focus given to the range of her research interests. Her studies center around the theoretical developments of the school of thought developed by N. E. Vvedensky and A. A. Ukhtomsky. She focused on general response patterns of excitable tissues, the relationship between the reaction of individual excitable elements and the systemic response. Later, this allowed Latmanizova to proceed with the effective study of cellular electrophysiological processes in ontogenesis and their disturbances in oncological diseases. These key areas of Prof. Latmanizova’s research work are described in greater detail to give a more complete picture of her profile as a scientist. Latmanizova’s works demonstrate the importance and similarity of patterns of the dynamics of electrical processes in animal cells in various processes.



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