Magnetic field effect on H3K9/14 acetylation in neurons of honeybee mushroom bodies
electromagnetic fields, magnetic field, insects, honeybee, histone acetylation, central nervous systemAbstract
Living things have been evolving under certain parameters of the geomagnetic field. Many organisms are sensitive to electromagnetic fields and use them for spatial orientation and navigation during migration. The honeybee Apis mellifera L. is a convenient experimental model to study the biological effects of electromagnetic fields. The honeybees use the Earth’s magnetic field for orientation in space and mobilization for foraging. Recent decades have seen an emergence of numerous anthropogenic sources of electromagnetic radiation. They are likely to be stressors for bees and other insects. It is known the transcriptional activity changes as part of stress response, while histone acetylation is associated with transcription activation. The article reports the results of the study into H3K9/14 histone acetylation in the neurons (inner Kenyon cells) of mushroom body calyxes (structures responsible for learning and memory in insects) in the honeybee. It was shown that an increase in the natural geomagnetic field leads to a decrease in H3K9/14 histone acetylation. This indicates a decrease in transcriptional activity in mushroom bodies, which may affect cognitive and foraging activities of the honeybee.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Tatiana G. Zachepilo, Karina V. Isakova, Alisa K. Pribyshina, Nikolay G. Kamyshev, Nina G. Lopatina

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