Effects of different doses of the immunomodulator Tactivin on the behavior of rats kept in standard and overcrowded conditions: Results of anxiety tests
immunomodulator Tactivin, intranasal administration, rats, overcrowding, standard maintenance conditions, anxiety, open field test, light-dark choice test, elevated plus maze testAbstract
The study aimed to determine how different doses of the immunostimulator Tactivin affect the behavior of rats in anxiety tests under overcrowded and standard conditions. Male Wistar rats after living (one month) in standard (n=5 in a cage) conditions were kept in standard or overcrowded (n=17 in a cage) conditions. Тwo groups (n=7–8 in each) from standard and overcrowded conditions received Tactivin in small (0.25 mcg/kg) or large (5 mcg/kg) doses intranasally every single day for 17 days. Two control groups (n=14 in each) received saline. Open field (OF), light-dark choice and elevated plus maze (EPM) tests were carried out from day 2 to day 11 of overcrowding. In standard conditions Tactivin in both doses reduced periods of immobility in OF, in a small dose it increased exploratory behavior in rats in OF and light-dark choice tests, while increasing emotionality in EPM. In a large dose it inhibited motor activity and activated grooming in EPM. Overcrowding in OF reduced motor and exploratory behavior, and in EPM activated grooming and behavior in open arms. These indicators normalized in OF under the action of Tactivin in a small dose, and in both doses in EPM. А small dose in OF increased exploratory behavior and grooming, and a large dose in EMP reduced motor activity and increased anxiety. Tactivin can be used to correct rat behavior disturbed by overcrowding. However, care should be taken, since Tactivin can lead to activation or inhibition of some unchanged behavioral reactions. Using Tactivin without overcrowding stress is undesirable due to possible behavior changes.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Elena V. Loseva, Alina V. Kryuchkova, Nadezhda A. Loginova, Anastasiia A. Potekhina, Anatoliy N. Inozemtsev

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