Various experimental models in the study of the effect of prenatal hypoxia on brain development
ontogenesis, prenatal hypoxia/ischemia, brain, behavior, learningAbstract
Studies related to prenatal hypoxia and its long-term consequences are extremely relevant as they may shed light on the mechanisms of development of various pathological conditions. It is impossible to study the molecular, cellular and epigenetic mechanisms underlying behavioral and learning disorders resulting from damaging effects during critical periods of prenatal ontogenesis without model experiments on animals as they can reproduce human embryonic development, in particular, fetal brain development. Protocols used to study the effect of prenatal hypoxia-ischemia on animals are numerous. They vary in the type and age of animals, applied effect, its degree and duration, and the age when the studied parameters are tested. The review presents various animal models of hypoxia/ischemia development in different periods of pre- and perinatal ontogenesis. Almost all the models under consideration show a lag in brain development, behavioral and learning disorders. As a rule, they are associated not so much with the loss of neurons in adult animals as with changes in their functional activity. The degree and direction of changes at the molecular and cellular levels often varies depending on the type and timing of exposure. Despite a large number of studies focusing on the reported issues, there is still no complete understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying brain development disorders induced by prenatal hypoxia.
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