The Tibetan Buddhist phenomenon tukdam as an object of research for obtaining new knowledge in integrative physiology: Organizational and methodological aspects


  • Svyatoslav V. Medvedev Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Yulia A. Boytsova Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Yuri A. Bubeev Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Elena V. Kokurina Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences; N. P. Bekhtereva Foundation for Brain Research Support



psychophysiology, electroencephalogram, mismatch negativity, meditation, altered states of consciousness


Over thousands of years the Buddhist tradition has accumulated many observations that are little known or completely unknown to Western science. These observations, however, can be exceptionally valuable for its further development. In this respect, of special interest are additional opportunities to explore the key psychophysiological issue: the mind–body interaction. The Buddhist literature describes numerous phenomena and their comprehensive scientific study is only possible through their verification by the methods of Western science. The article discusses organizational and methodological aspects of an international multidisciplinary study of the Tibetan Buddhist phenomenon tukdam. In Tibetan Buddhist sources tukdam is referred to as the period when the body of an experienced meditation practitioner remains intact up to several weeks after his death. As part of the project, three Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in India host Russian physiological laboratories. Besides doing research, they are also engaged in training a new class of researchers as part of Middle-Way Approach in Neuroscience programme. An important part of the project is the study of a coherent system of meditations that Tibetan monks practice during their lifetime. The application of the developed approach makes it possible to provide scientific evidence for the objective existence of a number of phenomena described in Buddhist literature.



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