Adaptation of the Ob Finno-Ugric group of the indigenous peoples of the North to the urbanization of oil and gas producing territories of Western Siberia




adaptation, urbanization, Ob Finno-Ugric group of the indigenous peoples of the North, Khanty, autonomic regulation, obesity, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, cardiometabolic risk, Western Siberia


The article presents the results of a 20-year observation of the adaptation of the Ob Finno-Ugric group of indigenous peoples of the North (Khanty) to the urbanization of the oil-producing region of Western Siberia—Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Yugra. It reports changes in autonomic regulation, cardiometabolic disorders (obesity, hypercholesterolemia, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis) among traditional and urban Khanty. It also provides prediction of cardiometabolic risk in the indigenous peoples of the North. Khanty are a genetically homogeneous subpopulation of the Ob Finno-Ugric indigenous peoples of the North. The transition from traditional living conditions to an urbanized environment has increased the frequency of overweight and obesity by 2.8 times, carbohydrate metabolism disorders by 2.7 times, and hypercholesterolemia by 1.7 times. In traditional and urbanized Khanty cohorts, overweight and obesity are more common in women than in men; carbohydrate metabolism disorders and type 2 diabetes are more common in men than in women; no gender differences were found in the incidence of hypercholesterolemia. An increase in the sympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system correlates with hypercholesterolemia in normal and overweight Khanty in both urban and traditional environments (ancestral lands). Considering the indicators of the sympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system, a high risk of cardiometabolic diseases is recorded in the cohort of urbanized Khanty in young and middle age in 18.0% and 26.0%, respectively, while it stands at 5.0% and 8.0% among Khanty with a traditional way of life in ancestral lands.



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