Psychological support of space crews: Principles and theory




psychological support, adverse factors of space flight, prevention, sensory deficit, deprivation phenomena, virtual reality


This article discusses the principles of psychological support of space crews and the underlying mechanisms of its preventive effect on human well-being. In particular, it focuses on psychophysiological, physiological, and psychological aspects of psychological support. It also provides an interpretation of the theory of psychological support from the perspective of medical cybernetics. Psychological support of space crews is based on the principle of overcoming sensory deficits. It is constructed in such a way that each of its individual methods is a countermeasure in relation to a specific factor of space flight. The fundamental principles of psychological support are deeply physiological in nature. Today, they can find an effective application in the development of new methods of psychological support and psychological therapy for individuals who have found themselves in an extreme environment isolated from usual living conditions and under the influence of monotony and sensory ‘hunger’. We studied new promising methods of psychological support, such as, e. g., virtual reality, in ground-based model experiments. As a result, we developed the concept of a counter-dominant. Humans under the influence of unfavorable living conditions can develop a stagnant focus of nervous excitement in the cerebral cortex. A different powerful source of afferentation associated with psychological support ‘extinguishes’ the former stagnant focus of arousal and harmonizes a person’s psychoemotional state. Thus, it becomes a temporary counter-dominant that displaces negative experiences associated with an unfavorable environment.



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