An integrated approach to the means of assessing autonomic regulation in a model of combined physical and mental load
rhythmocardiography, heart rate variability, spectral analysis, heart rate sensor, autonomic regulation, functional state, integrated approachAbstract
The article presents an overview of modern technological solutions and tools for assessing autonomic regulation, based, primarily, on the ECG recording and analysis. It discusses a number of technological problems with the devices currently used to assess a person’s functional state and, in particular, the regulation of a person’s visceral functions. High among them is limited functionality and, to a certain extent, low accuracy of measurements, technical limitations in application, etc. The article argues that a broadening scope of research tasks and objects in the field of physiology and psychophysiology—studies of combined loads, simulated elements of professional activity, sets of stressors, etc.—increases the relevance of the simultaneous use of various multi-modal and multi-format means of assessing the functional state of the body and its individual functions. To demonstrate the feasibility of the integrated approach, the article reports the results of the authors’ own study. It assesses the possibilities of the simultaneous use of several monitoring tools to study the effects of combined mental and physical activity on autonomic regulation in humans. It is shown that the results of assessing changes in visceral parameters obtained simultaneously from ECG, a stationary wired complex (cardiograph) and a compact mobile heart rate sensor, allowing for some differences in data, complement each other as diagnostic tools.
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