The effect of a person’s functional state on EEG when resuming psychomotor activity during a short-term awakening from daytime sleep




functional state, daytime sleep, awakening, psychomotor activity, hemispheric asymmetry, amplitude-amplitude coupling of EEG rhythms


Investigation of the neurophysiological foundations of activity recovery after sleep are relevant due to the fact that they allow an objective assessment of activity effectiveness in these conditions. A continuous-discrete psychomotor test was used in the experiment. The functional state of subjects was determined before the experiment by the SAN test (assessment of health, activity and mood). The psychomotor test produced different dynamics of the coupling of EEG rhythms at a 20-second recording interval when resuming activity after an episode of daytime sleep. Subjects with good general condition demonstrated significantly more rhythm connections on three time segments selected in this interval using factor analysis compared to subjects with poorer general condition. In general, the former have 22 rhythm connections, while the latter have 12. The differences were in the speed of the appearance of connections. The group with better general condition formed faster connections of slow rhythms with beta rhythm (interval 1–7 s after the restoration of activity) and gamma rythm (interval 8–10 s). This may indicate a greater activation of brain structures during the test. The groups with poorer general condition demonstrated the same relationship with a lag in one time interval. The number of connections of slow rhythms with fast ones in the group with good general condition was significantly higher (12 vs. 3). The same group of subjects revealed connections of the delta rhythm with alpha2 and theta rhythms in the interval of 11–20 seconds.


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