Locomotor profile of muscle contractile potential in patients with cerebral palsy and healthy peers





healthy children, cerebral palsy, locomotion, muscle contraction resource, video analysis of gait, dynamometry


The study aimed to develop evaluation criteria for the locomotor profile of muscle contractile potential in patients with cerebral palsy. It involved healthy adolescents (12 people) and patients with cerebral palsy (14 people). The research methods included dynamometry and 3D video analysis of gait. In synergistic systems, it is more reasonable to evaluate functional muscle activity in motor stereotypes through their generalized activity — locomotor contractile potential (LCP). LCP adequately monitors the compensatory use of functional muscle potential. The more serious the violations of the locomotor function are, the higher the compensatory value is. Healthy subjects and patients with mild locomotor disorders showed a normal LCP distribution and the hypothesis was not rejected on any of the 13 one-dimensional criteria. In patients with more severe disorders, the hypothesis of normal distribution was rejected on 9 criteria. The change in the LCP distribution function and its growth is due to the redistribution of activity of the tested muscle groups and the inclusion of additional muscle complexes whose activity was not evaluated. According to the sample sets and personal data, the LCP quantitative indicator generalized for eight groups of muscles of the lower extremities is highly informative and quite effectively describes the amount of contractile potential necessary for the functional implementation of adaptation in the form of locomotion.



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