Impact of interplanetary spaceflight factors on the functions of central nervous system: Simulation experiments on primates




interplanetary spaceflights, rhesus monkey, cognitive functions, ionizing radiation, antiorthostatic hypokinesia, monoamine metabolism


Development of biomedical support programmes for interplanetary spaceflights requires a conceptual review of radiation-related risks: from the estimation of long-term stochastic consequences as different from those in orbital flights, to the assessment of risks of functional disorders in the central nervous system. This requires a series of neurobiological research with ground experiments on small laboratory animals as well as primates. In interplanetary missions, the so-called ergonomic risk comes to the fore. It is associated with possible violations of spacecraftoperator activity directly during the flight. Studies in primates, in particular, simulation of basic elements of operator activity, are instrumental in the assessment of risk of possible violations and extrapolation of the obtained data to humans. This article describes state of the art and provides a review of experimental research that simulates interplanetary radiation on primates. Research on the comprehensive impact of different types of radiation and simulated microgravity mainly focuses on cognitive functions of primates and monoamine exchange. The exposure of animals with unbalanced neural processes and excitation predominance of excitation to the combination of gamma radiation and/or carbon ions as well as simulated hypogravity has been shown to cause significant cognitive impairment. The reported study demonstrates that the typological features of higher nervous activity play a key role in how central nervous system responds to simulated impacts. For instance, in operator activity tests, primates with a strong and balanced type of higher nervous activity effective in both success ratio and number of attempts during and after the exposure, while animals of an unbalanced type show a strong decline in success ratio and a bigger number of attempts. Neurochemical studies indirectly suggest a leading role of the dopaminergic brain system in mediator exchange disorders in the brain.



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