V. A. Engelhardt and his role in the development of modern biochemistry in the second half of the 20th century





Vladimir A. Engelhardt, Militsa N. Lyubimova, Department of Biochemistry at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Laboratory of Animal Cell Biochemistry at the I. P. Pavlov Physiology Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, biochemistry, molecular biology, Nobel Prize nomination


This paper is devoted to the well-known scientist Vladimir A. Engelhardt, who was at the head of the Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Experimental Medicine (IEM) of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, from 1944 to 1952, and the Laboratory of Animal Cell Biochemistry at the I. P. Pavlov Physiology Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1944 to 1950. Presented are his most famous investigations, which made a valuable contribution to science in Russia and across the globe. We chart Engelhardt’s research pathway starting from his service in the Red Army as a regular physician during the Russian Civil War up to his membership in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and input in the foundation of the Institute of Molecular Biology. We provide an overview of the research undertaken by Engelhardt himself and his colleagues from the Department of Biochemistry, IEM, who laid the foundations of present-day molecular biology. V. A. Engelhardt garnered world recognition in the 1930s following the discovery of oxidative phosphorylation involving ATP. In the early 1940s, together with Militsa Lyubimova, he detected ATPase activity in the myosin muscle protein — the finding that brought them a nomination for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Engelhardt’s major discoveries earned him fame as one of the greatest biochemists in the first half of the 20th century, who laid the groundwork for functional and dynamic biochemistry. We also explore Engelhardt’s role in preserving scientific work on heredity against a harsh political setting created by the August session of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1948. Engelhardt had to work in a very hard period in the history of our country and science; however, he was the epitome of high morality and toughed it out.



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