Functional state of arteries and microvasculature at the early stage of metabolic syndrome in male and female rats




metabolic syndrome, arteries, microcirculatory vessels, endothelium, laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF), fructose load


We studied the mechanisms of artery and vessel dilatation in the microvasculature of young male and female Wistar rats during early modeling of the metabolic syndrome (MS) with fructose load (FrDR, fructose diet rat). Consumption of a fructose solution by rats was accompanied by changes in the biochemical composition of blood plasma: hyperglycemia, increased triglyceride concentrations, decreased HDL-C levels and increased uric acid concentrations. Blood flow in the skin MCR was reduced by 11% in males, 8% in females and 24% in ovariohysterectomized females, and the neurogenic and endothelium-dependent vascular tone of the MCR was increased. Endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent regulation of microcirculatory blood flow was impaired. In the mesenteric arteries of fructose-fed rats, the contractile response to phenylephrine was increased, and acetylcholine- and nitroprusside-induced dilatations were attenuated: the biggest changes were found in ovariohysterectomized females and males. NO production inhibition was accompanied by a significant decrease in the amplitude of artery dilatation, and the value of residual artery dilatation in male and female FrDRs was reliably higher compared to rats in the control groups. Our conclusion is that fructose consumption by rats in an early age quite quickly leads to the development of MS signs, including to arterial hypertension (AH). Negative changes in the biochemical composition of blood and hypertension were more pronounced in male rats and ovariohysterectomized females. FrDRs showed a reduced NO-mediated dilatation of mesenteric arteries but a bigger amplitude of EDH-mediated dilatation.


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