Prenatal influence of buspirone in the hypoxia-induced stress model on spatial learning, memory and physiological response in adult male and female rats




prenatal buspirone and/or hypoxia, long-term influence, spatial learning and memory, corticosterone, sexual dimorphism


This paper discusses the influence of the anxiolytic and antidepressant 5-HT1A receptor agonist, buspirone, used to treat anxious-depressive state in pregnant women on the adaptive behavior of the offspring. The study of the intrauterine influence of the buspirone and hypoxia combination on cognition and stressful response notably in adult individuals of different sex has a high prognostic value for neonatologists. We investigated, for the first time, the effect of chronic buspirone administration, moderate acute normobaric hypoxia and their interaction in the prenatal period on spatial learning, memory and reactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system (HPA) and body weight in adult male and female rats. Each prenatal factor alone did not impair spatial learning or memory in rats of either sex, while the combination of buspirone and hypoxia weakened the improved effect of hypoxia on spatial learning in male rats and the efficiency of spatial long-term memory in female rats, which was combined in the latter with a decrease in the stress response of corticosterone in the blood plasma. In rats of both sexes, the combined effect of prenatal factors reduced the effectiveness of spatial long-term memory compared to the effectiveness of spatial memory on the first day of testing. Prenatal buspirone caused a decrease in body weight in rats of both sexes. The observed sexual dimorphism in the influence of prenatal factors on cognition and the HPA axis reactivity in adult rats may indicate various changes of neuronal plasticity in hippocampal regions involved in spatial learning and memory, depending on sex.


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