Visceral system responses and task performance in a combined mental and physical activity model: Impact of initial functional state
combined activity, combined exertion, cognitive-motor test, cognitive performance, visceral responsesAbstract
The models integrating mental and physical activity have been increasingly employed for both diagnostic and remedial purposes. Diagnostic approaches that combine cognitive and physical exertion provide valuable insights into integrative processes that are essential for optimizing human performance, including in professional settings. Clinically, these methods are utilized to identify and address impairments in various physiological functions. However, the mechanisms underlying the effects of combined mental and physical activity at different physiological levels remain poorly understood. The objectives of this study were: (1) to investigate the responses of visceral systems to combined mental and physical activity, considering an individual’s initial functional state, and (2) to assess the impact of physical activity on cognitive task performance. Our findings indicate that visceral responses to combined activity vary based on an individual’s baseline functional state, which may reflect an active redistribution of physiological resources. Additionally, physical activity was found to significantly enhance cognitive task performance, as evidenced by improved speed and accuracy in solving cognitive tasks. These results provide a basis for using this model of cognitive-motor activity as a standard for future diagnostic procedures and comparative analyses.
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