Physiological rationale for the use of Cytoflavin in correcting metabolic acidosis in neonatal intensive care


  • Alexey I. Lopatin Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Children’s City Multidisciplinary Clinical Specialized Center of High Medical Technologies (Children’s City Hospital No. 1)



newborns, metabolism, metabolic acidosis, sodium bicarbonate, Cytoflavin


Early postnatal ontogenesis is a critical period in a child’s life, during which physiological processes facilitate the newborn’s adaptation to the external environment. The acid-base equilibrium system plays a special role in regulating metabolism at the cellular, tissue, and systemic levels. In experimental in vitro and in vivo models, key findings have substantiated the physiological basis for using Cytoflavin — a drug that enhances brain metabolism — for correcting metabolic acidosis during neonatal intensive care and resuscitation. While the cerebroprotective effects of Cytoflavin have been documented in clinical settings, additional data indicate its anti-inflammatory properties. The conducted studies have shown that in the first 1–2 days of life, the effectiveness of long-term use of Cytoflavin solution for correcting metabolic acidosis is comparable to that of sodium bicarbonate. However, Cytoflavin’s cytoprotective properties and the absence of the adverse effects associated with prolonged sodium bicarbonate therapy render it a more physiologically appropriate choice. These findings support the use of Cytoflavin for correcting metabolic acidosis in both preterm and full-term infants from the first day of life.



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