Half a century of “learned helplessness”


  • Dmitry A. Zhukov Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences




learned helplessness, stress, uncontrollability, unpredictability, unescapability


The paper provides a brief review of the study of learned helplessness — a state formed in animals subjected to uncontrollable stress. Learned helplessness is characterized by inhibition of cognitive, emotional, and motor functions. Therefore, learned helplessness is considered as a model of human depression. The study of learned helplessness is theoretically viable because this phenomenon affects certain fundamental properties of the nervous system — this condition is observed not only in the representatives of all classes of vertebrates, but also in invertebrates. Besides, the condition was modeled on certain ganglia of the cockroach. The key factor for the formation of learned helplessness is the stimulus uncontrollability, i. e. the inability to adapt to the stimulus, the inability to avoid or get rid of its action, or the inability to predict the appearance of this stimulus.



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