The involvement of neurons expressing gene factor of interpulse interval (fipi) in regulation of courtship behavior of Drosophila melanogaster males




Drosophila, sexual behavior, short-term memory, gamma neurons, courtship suppression, olfactory signals


Previously, we described gene factor of interpulse interval (fipi, aka CG15630), whose decreased expression in the nervous system led to the changes in the parameters of a pulse song—a component of courtship in Drosophila males, in particular, to the reduction of the interpulse interval (Fedotov et al. 2014). In this study, we describe the structures of the nervous system, where the fipi gene is expressed. We also examine the role of this gene in courtship behavior, including its modification as a result of previous experience of a male courting a non-receptive fertilized female. It is known that such experience (learning) reduces the intensity of subsequent courtship of a male as regards other females. The expression of the GFP marker protein under control of the fipi gene promoter was detected in local interneurons of the antennal lobes, in Kenyon gamma-neurons, and in visual neurons of the optical lobes. The blocking of synaptic transmission from fipi-neurons reduced the efficiency of courtship suppression, and increased the excitability of these neurons, which resulted in a longer retention of the suppression effect. The knockdown of the fipi gene did not cause abnormalities in the courtship suppression, instead, it increased courtship intensity in males with no experience. The results show that fipi neurons are involved in the regulation of courtship behavior, and suggest that the expression of the fipi gene in gamma-neurons of mushroom bodies is involved in the formation of a short-term memory in this form of learning.


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