Modulation of inflammatory pain and hormonal responses by stress in the prepubertal period of development in prenatally stressed adult male and female rats




stress, inflammatory pain, depressive-like behavior, corticosterone, ontogenesis, the rat


Stress during critical periods of development can have an abnormal effect on the development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system (HPA axis), morphogenetic and neurochemical processes of the brain, increasing the risk of psychopathologies. Along with this, there is an increasing number of works indicating the possible adaptive influence of stress. This issue is of practical value which explains the popularity of studies in the mechanisms by which stress at an early age increases the body’s resistance to stress. The available data suggest an important contribution of the serotonergic system to individual differences in the susceptibility to stress events further in life. The balance between the HPA axis and serotonergic system during development is one of the main conditions for the normal functioning of the stress system. We were the first to use pain stress to study the mechanisms of stress neutralization by another pain stress. Previously, we showed an increase in inflammatory pain response in prenatally stressed adult male and female rats. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of stress during the prepubertal period of development on inflammatory pain, anxiety / depression disorders, and stress reactivity of the HPA axis in prenatally stressed adult male and female rats. In addition, we studied the question of whether prepubertal stress may change the effect of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist buspirone and the serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine administered to depressed rats during pregnancy on behavioral and hormonal responses in the adult prenatally stressed offspring.


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