Age-dependent changes in the mechanisms of endothelial-dependent dilatation of pial arterial vessels in SHR rats
NO, calcium-activated high-conductance potassium channels, hypertension, aging, pial vesselsAbstract
The study investigated the role of age-related changes in the contribution of NO and IKCa-channels to acetylcholine-induced dilation of pial arteries in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). We used intravital microphotography (×470) to evaluate the responses of pial arteries to acetylcholine chloride (ACh, 10−7 M, 5 min) with and without blockade of NO (L-NAME, 10−3 M) and IKCa-channels (klotrimazole,10−5 M) in SHR rats aged 4 and 18 months. The number and degree of vascular dilatation was measured from the erythrocyte flow width in three individual groups of arteries: small (less than 20 μm in diameter), medium (20–40 μm) and large (more than 40 μm). It was found that in young SHR rats, NO plays a significant role in the ACh-mediated dilation of small and large-diameter vessels. The role of IKCa-channels in endothelium-dependent dilatation mainly manifests itself in the group of small vessels and decreases with an increase in artery diameter. Aging, accompanied by hypertension, reduces the role of IKCa-channels and increases the contribution of NO to the dilatation of pial arterial vessels of all sizes.
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Gorshkova, O. P., Shuvaeva, V. N. (2020) Age-related changes in the role of calcium-activated potassium channels in acetylcholine mediated dilatation of pial arterial vessels in rats. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 145–152. (In English)
Goto, K., Ohtsubo, T., Kitazono, T. (2018) Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization (EDH) in hypertension: The role of endothelial ion channels. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 19, no. 1, article 315. (In English)
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Taddei, S., Virdis, A., Mattei, P. et al. (1995) Aging and endothelial function in normotensive subjects and patients with essential hypertension. Circulation, vol. 91, pp. 1981–1987. (In English)
Wilson, C., Zhang, X., Buckley, C. et al. (2019) Increased vascular contractility in hypertension results from impaired endothelial calcium signaling. Hypertension, vol. 74, no. 5, pp. 1200–1214. HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.13791 (In English)
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