Study of glucose absorption in the small intestine of rats on the integrative experimental models




glucose absorption, small intestine, experimental models, hydrolysis-dependent transport, chronic stress, type 2 diabetes


The search for adequate experimental models to study glucose absorption in the small intestine stands high on the research agenda for physiologists. The most substantial advancements in the study of glucose absorption mechanisms were reached by using various analytical (simplified) experimental models: from pieces and strips of the small intestine to isolated intestinal cells and membrane vesicles. At the same time, the main regularities of the processes occurring in the body, as well as their real scale, can be revealed only through various integrative experimental models. The article is a brief overview of the two versions of such integrative models: 1) perfusion of the isolated loop of the small intestine with glucose solutions in chronic experiment and, 2) evaluation of the absorptive capacity of the small intestine by the rate of free consumption of concentrated glucose solution by animals. The paper provides examples of applying the two experimental models to study the real rates of glucose absorption in the small intestine of rats under conditions close to natural physiological ones. The paper outlines the main methodological features of each approach, their advantages and limitations. The two experimental approaches complement each other and significantly expand the modern understanding of the real scale and mechanisms of glucose absorption regulation in the small intestine under normal physiological conditions.



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Experimental articles