The effect of coded L-amino acids on the organotypic culture of tissues of different genesis




proliferation, amino acids, organotypic tissue culture, brain cortex, spleen


The study of the regulatory mechanisms of two basic processes in multicellular systems, i. e., proliferation and apoptosis, stands high on the agenda of modern biology and medicine. Recent data show that the coded L-amino acids are not only the plastic material for the synthesis of protein, they can also regulate cellular processes, increasing or decreasing proliferation and apoptosis. These processes provide the development of a living organism. Hydrophobic properties of amino acids are one of their key characteristics. They depend on the combination of the proton-donor and proton-acceptor groups. Hydrophobic properties make it possible for L-amino acids to participate in the hydrogen linking with the solvent molecules. The aim of study was to identify the effect of amino acids with different hydrophobic properties on the organotypic culture of rat brain cortex and spleen tissues. It was shown that in the tissues of ectodermal genesis proliferation was stimulated mainly by the amino acids with hydrophobic properties, but the same amino acids inhibited proliferation in the tissues of mesodermal genesis. The tissue-specific effect of L-amino acids is the foundation for the synthesis of short peptides in new drug products developed to enhance regeneration processes in nerve and immune tissue.



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