The increase of cerebral microvessels vasodilation in anesthetized rats during acute normobaric hypoxia under the action of interleukin-1 beta




acute normobaric hypoxia, cerebral microvessels, cytokine, interleukin-1 beta, NO-synthase


With the administration of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin- 1β (IL-1β), the features of the reactions of cerebral microvessels in anesthetized rats to progressively increasing acute normobaric hypoxia were studied. To confirm the hypothesis that the vasodilatory effects under deep hypoxia with an increase in the level of IL-1β may be associated with NO-dependent mechanisms, a non-selective inhibitor of NO-synthase L-NAME was additionally introduced. The study was carried out on 3 groups of anesthetized Wistar rat with intravenous injection: saline (control, 1 ml), IL-1β (500 ng) and the combined administration of non-selective inhibitor of NO-synthase L-NAME (10 mg/kg) and the same dose IL-1β. A progressive increase in hypoxia from normoxia up to apnea was carried out by using the “rebreathing” technique. Changes in the diameter of the arterial pial microvessels with an initial diameter of up to 50 μm were measured using vital microscopy. An increase in the vasodilation effect of hypoxia in rats under the influence of IL-1β was shown at an oxygen content in the respiratory mixture of 15% and the maximum effect—at a critical state of the body at an oxygen content of 6%. Preliminary inhibition of NO-synthase activity under the action of IL-1β prevented the vasodilation effect of hypoxia with a decrease in oxygen to 10% in the respiratory mixture and made it less expressed at an oxygen content of 4–6%. The results of this study confirm the increased vasodilation of cerebral microvessels with progressively increasing hypoxia under the influence of IL-1β and the participation of NO-dependent mechanisms in the application of this effect.



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