Glyprolines: Regulatory peptides with an integrative action
glyprolines, inflammation, regeneration, gastroprotective effect, neuroprotective effect, hypolipidemic effect, normoglycemic effectAbstract
Glyprolines (short proline and glycine containing peptides) are a new type of regulatory peptides. They are of interest to both fundamental physiology and medicine (possible use for medical purposes). The main advantages of glyprolines are their relative resistance to biodegradation and the integrative effect on human body. Initially, the amino acid sequence Pro-Gly-Pro (PGP) was used to increase the stability of an in vivo unstable peptide such as adrenocorticotropic hormone. The study of the intrinsic properties of PGP, as well as its possible metabolites — GP and PG — showed that all the three peptides have a wide range of physiological effects. Recently, biological activity has also been demonstrated for N-acetylated PGP, cyclic prolyl-hydroxyproline, cycloprolylglycine, di-, tri- and tetrapeptides containing proline and glycine with additional inclusion of arginine or leucine in various positions, as well as for the N-terminal fragment of the insulin-like growth factor-1 — Gly-Pro-Glu. The obtained data allowed classifying short proline and glycine containing peptides into a separate class of regulatory peptides — glyprolines. Endogenous PGP and cycloprolylglycine have been found. Collagen and insulin-like growth factor-1, respectively, are considered the most likely sources of these peptides in human body. Glyprolines have a neuroprotective effect, protect the gastric mucosa from damage, regulate inflammation and regeneration processes, have a positive effect on hemostasis, and exhibit hypolipidemic and normoglycemic effects. The article discusses the physiological effects of glyprolines, their possible endogenous and exogenous sources, mechanisms of action, and prospects for use in medicine.
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