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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has not been published in or submitted for publication to any other journal.
  • The topic, length and structure of the article fulfil the journal’s requirements provided in the Author Guidelines. The article is accompanied by all the necessary information and appendixes.
  • The article is a Word Document, saved in Microsoft Word 2007 or a later version. Automatic hyphenation is disabled, alignment is justified, pages are numbered. The bibliography fulfils the journal’s requirements.
  • The text has been proofread before submission and cannot be improved further in its present state.

Author Guidelines

Download the Author Guidelines (PDF)

Article Preparation

Length of papers

The journal limits the total character count (including spaces) for different types of submissions: between 20,000 and 40,000 for articles, between 10,000 and 15,000 for brief notes and up to 80,000 for academic reviews. Please note that the total length of the article includes the text of the article and the notes (footnotes), as well as the figures, references and bibliography.

Formatting requirements

When preparing their articles, authors are advised to use the dedicated document templates that are available for download on our website. If you prefer not to use the templates, please consider the journal requirements when preparing your text. After your article is accepted for publication, it will be subjected to scholarly and literary editing and formatted in accordance with the layout of the journal.

Download the Article Template


Completeness and presentation of papers

1. Papers are presented as a single file in the .doc, .docx or .rtf format that includes the following parts in the following order:

  • information about the author in English (see “Information about the author” section);
  • universal decimal classification (UDC);
  • title of the article, abstract and keywords in English (see “Title”, “Abstract” and “Keywords” sections);
  • text of the article;
  • additional information (mandatory sections are marked with an asterisk):
    (a)* Conflict of interest;
    (b)* Ethics approval;
    (c)* Author contributions;
    (d) Acknowledgements;
    (e)* Funding;
  • abbreviations, if any abbreviations are used in the article;
  • References (see “Reference list” and “Transliteration of references” sections).

2. To name the article file, use the author’s last name in Latin characters.

3. If the article text requires the use of non-standard fonts, formulas, complex formatting, etc., a .pdf file of the article text should be provided in addition to the .docx file. Authors are asked to provide the font files as well.

4. If the article contains illustrations, each should be provided as a separate .jpg, .jpeg or .png file (see Tables, Figures, Charts). File name: “Avtor_Fig1”, etc. Any illustrations prepared in MS Word and containing text should be kept in the main file of the article.

Format, font, paragraphs. The article should use Times New Roman, 14 pt; full justification; paragraph indent 1.0 cm. Automatic hyphenation should be deactivated.

Information about the author

All information about the author should be stated on the first page of the article file sent to the editorial team. The information must include the following:

  • the name of the author in full (if the name is natively written in non-Latin alphabet, the transliteration should match that used in other publications); 
  • the academic degree;
  • the position, the name of the organization (place of work);
  • the legal address of the organization (not of its subdivision!);
  • the email and/or phone number (with country and city code) of the author;
  • the author’s personal identification codes (ResearcherID, ORCID and Scopus AuthorID, if applicable).

If there are several authors, all of the above information is provided for each of them.

UDC index. The Universal Decimal Classification index should be specified on the left-hand side of the first page of the main text, giving an accurate reflection of the article’s subject. The UDC is used for article indexing and efficient retrieval.

Title. The title should be given in bold; capital letters are only used at the beginning of the title and for proper names.

Abstract. Please place the abstract before the main article text. Abstract length should be between 150 and 250 words. The abstract should demonstrate the relevance of the study and include the subject (the course of the study and key results for articles based on experiments) and the conclusions reached by the author. Background information, general and insignificant statements, superfluous introductory words, etc., should be avoided.

The abstract should follow the rules of the English language and academic style.

Keywords. Keywords must follow the abstract, precede the main text of the article and be separated from the latter with two intervals. Please start the list of keywords with “Keywords:”. Your list should comprise between 5 and 10 keywords.

Structure. The text should have a clear structure, with sections and subsections reflecting the course of the research.

Section titles

Please use a consistent style for different level titles:

(1) for first level titles (e.g. Introduction, Conclusion, etc.), use bold type on a separate line;
(2) for second level titles, use italic bold type on a separate line;
(3) for third level titles, use italic type on a separate line;
(4) for fourth level titles, use italic bold type at the beginning of the paragraph, so that the first sentence of the paragraph directly follows the title punctuation mark;
(4) for fifth level titles, use italic type at the beginning of the paragraph, so that the first sentence of the paragraph directly follows the title punctuation mark.

Capital letters are only used at the beginning of the section title and for proper names.

Tables, figures, charts

1. If a figure or table contains text in Russian, please provide versions in both languages. If a figure or table contains letter designations or symbols, please provide those in Latin script.

2. Tables should be found at the end of your article, following the reference list. Any figures or charts should be provided as separate files for easier layout.

3. Immediately after the paragraph in which a table, figure or chart is first mentioned, [Table X should be here] should be inserted on a separate line, with the relevant number.

4. The content of the table, figure or chart should be clear without referring to the main text of the article and should not be duplicated in it.

5. Each table, figure or chart must have a title in the same format as the regular text. Please put figure captions after the reference list.

6. All tables, figures and charts are numbered continuously with Arabic numerals. If an article only contains a single table, figure or chart, it should not be numbered.

7. Pictures and diagrams should be provided as separate files in the JPG, JPEG or PNG format. Image quality should be high enough to ensure it remains clear after resizing. Resolution should be at least 300 dpi (dots per inch).

8. In case the article includes a figure, photo or chart created by a different person, such item should be accompanied by a note detailing: author name and publication year or a link to the page where the image is located. All the reference data should also be included into the reference list.

Spelling and punctuation

 The article should follow the rules of the modern English language.


1. All direct quotations must be given in quotation marks. Quoting word for word without quotation marks is not allowed.

2. Source should be stated in round brackets directly after the quote (see In-Text Citations). For literal quotations, page number must be stated, if present in the source.

3. Any quotations from the author’s own works should be treated similarly to others, properly cited and included into the references.


To highlight a section of the text, you can use either bold italic or regular bold (depending on the surrounding text) type; text underlining is not allowed. Please use highlighting sparingly.

Page numbering. Numbers are placed at the bottom of the page (using footers).

Dates and numerals

1. Dates must be given in accordance with the following format: 5 August 1982.

2. Numbers one through ten are spelled out; numbers above ten are written as numerals.

3. Use Roman numerals for centuries and the following format for decades: the 1980s.


1. Non-breaking space should be used to separate initials from each other and from the last name (Ctrl + Shift + Space).

2. If you wish to specify a person’s years of birth and death, you can add them in the parenthesis after the name is first mentioned, separated by en-dash without spaces, e.g.: I. P. Pavlov (1849–1936).

Titles of works. Quotation marks should be used for titles in all languages.

Abbreviations. Please, use abbreviations, such as “e.g.”, “i.e.”, “etc”.

If abbreviations are used in the article, the list of abbreviations should precede the references.


1. Microsoft Word List tool should be used exclusively to format all lists.

2. Top level lists are numbered, with an indent of 1.5 cm from the left margin.

3. Second level lists are bulleted, with an indent of 2.0 cm from the left margin.

Formatting of footnotes

It is recommended to use footnotes as rarely as possible. If a note is necessary, please use the Microsoft Word “Insert Footnote” note to create notes with continuous numbering at the bottom of the page.

“Conflict of interest” section

In this section, the authors declare that there is no conflict of interest in regards to their submission. Recommended language: “The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest, either existing or potential.”

If a conflict of interest exists and might influence the reported results, it must be declared in this section.

“Ethics approval” section

This section is obligatory for submissions reporting results of experiments on animals or humans. For more information regarding the ethical standards for such experiments please see the “Authors’ rights and responsibilities” sections of the journal Publishing Ethics.

If the research protocol of the study that you are reporting in your paper has been assessed by an ethics committee, please state it in this section (e.g., “Research protocol has been approved by the Ethics Committee of [organisation name, ethics committee details], permit No. … of …”). If that is not the case, the authors are asked to declare compliance with ethical norms based on their own self-assessment (e.g., “The authors state that all ethical principles relevant to research that includes human or animal subjects have been duly followed.”).

The authors should obtain informed consent from all individuals who participated in the study.

“Author contributions” section

Please specify how each of the authors contributed to the submission. No particular format is required.

“Acknowledgements” section

In this section, please list individuals who assisted the authors in their research and/or working on the submission, but did not directly participate in its preparation or writing.

“Funding” section

In this section, please state your sources of funding for the study or lack thereof. Recommended language in case of no funding: “The study did not receive any external funding.”

If your study received external funding, please follow the reporting guidelines of the funding body.

In-text citations

1. For in-text citations, the author’s last name and year of publication should be stated in round brackets: (Author 2019).

When citing a specific fragment, state the page number after a comma: (Author 2010, 25).

If there are multiple works by the same author in the same year, they are ordered alphabetically by the title and are allocated a letter (a, b, c etc) after the date: (Author 2019a).

When citing a source with one or two authors, all authors’ names should be included. For more than two authors, only the first name should be stated, followed by “et al.”: (Author1 et al.). If the authors are not stated, the document should be named instead (shortening of long titles is accepted): (The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 732 of 17 July 1995… 1995).

When citing a source divided into several parts or volumes, state the relevant part or volume number: (Pavlov 1951, vol. 3, 45).

2. When citing multiple sources, they should be separated by a comma and arranged in alphabetical order: (Gakkel 1961; Pavlov 1951, vol. 3, 45). If citing multiple works by the same author or authors, do not repeat their name or names: (Pavlov 1877; 1897; 1908; 1930).

3. When citing a source, always provide a full reference. Ibid, op. cit., etc. are not allowed.

Reference list

1. It is preferable to use respected and relevant sources present in major scientific databases or national indices and that are easily accessible. Please make sure that at least half of your references have been published within the last ten years (unless your submission is a historical review of the literature).

2. The reference list must include all sources cited in the article, whether directly or indirectly, and may not include any unmentioned works.

3. All references are given after the text of the article as an unnumbered list, arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. All references should be given in Harvard referencing style. If there are multiple sources by the same author, then citations are listed in order by the date of publication. If referencing multiple works from one author released in the same year, the works are allocated a letter (2000a, 2000b, 2000c) after the year.

4. You can consult reference examples, as well as previous issues.

Journal titles should be provided in full. If present, always include DOI (as an active link). Journal, book and website titles are given in italics to visually distinguish them from article, chapter and section titles.

Transliteration of references

BSI standard is used for transliteration. In this section, please provide transliterated titles for Russian-language sources and original titles for sources in other languages. References are arranged in alphabetical order regardless of language. At the end of each reference, please state the language you accessed the source in.

For names of authors, please transliterate names that are originally in Cyrillic alphabet and provide the original spelling for names in the Latin alphabet (e.g. Genette G., Barthes R. (French), Köstlin K. R. von (German, etc.)

Please add “Publ.” to the titles of Russian publishing houses (e.g. “М.: Наука” = “Moscow: Nauka Publ.”). For organisations, only use official translations of the title.

For journals, only list the translation of the title into English if it is an official translation. If there is no translation provided by the journal, only use the original name. If the original is in non-Latin characters, please transliterate it.

If you reference any Russian-language sources, please use the website with the following settings:

ё — e;
ц — ts;
й — j;
щ — shch;
ий — ij;
ый — yj;
х — всегда kh (always kh).

Download the Citation Guide


Reference examples

Journal article

  • Terzi, M., Ozberk, B., Deniz, O. G., Kaplan, S. (2016) The role of electromagnetic fields in neurological disorders. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, vol. 75, pp. 77–84. PMID: 27083321. (In English)
  • Dyuzhikova, N. A., Kopyltsov, A. V., Korshunov, К. A. et al. (2018) Dejstvie electromagnitnogo izlucheniya visokoj chastoty I vliyanie rezonatorov-preobrazovatelej na chastotu khromosomnykh aberratsij v kletkah kostnogo mozga samtsov krys linij Vistar [The effect of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation and the effect of resonator-convertors on the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow cells of male Wistar rats]. Elektromagnitnye volny i elektronnye sistemy — Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 12–18. (In Russian)


  • Plokhinskij, N. A. (1970) Biometriya [Biometrics]. 2nd ed. Moscow: Moscow State University Publ., 367 p. (In Russian)
  • Pavlov, I. P. (1951) Eksperimentalnye nevrosy [Experimental neurosis]. In: I. P. Pavlov. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy [I. P. Pavlov. Full composition of writings]. Vol. 3. Book 2. Moscow: Leningrad: Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union Publ., pp. 189–192. (In Russian)

Book chapter

  • Camacho-Arroyo, I., Hansberg-Pastor, V., Vázquez-Martínez, E. R., Cerbón, M. (2017) Mechanism of progesterone action in the brain. In: D. W. Pfaff, M. Joëls (eds.). Hormones, brain and behavior. Vol. 3. 3rd ed. S. p.: Academic Press, pp. 181–214. (In English)

Conference, seminar or roundtable proceedings

  • Tumanova, T. S., Aleksandrov, V. G. (2016) Vliyanie bakterial’nogo lipopolisakharida na reflektornye mekhanizmy kardiorespiratornoj sistemy anestezirovannoj krysy [The effect of bacterial lipopolysaccharide on the reflex mechanisms of the cardiorespiratory system of anesthetized rat]. In: A. I. Grigor’ev, Yu. V. Natochin, R. I. Sepiashvili et al. (eds.). Nauchnye trudy V S’ezda fiziologov SNG, V S’ezda biokhimikov Rossii, Konferentsii ADFLIM [Academic Works of 5thCongress of CIS physiologists, 5th Congress of Biochemists of Russia, ADFLIM conference]. Sochi: s. n., p. 158. (Acta Naturae. Special issue: In 2 vols. Vol. 1). (In Russian)

Online Source


Submission of Papers

Articles prepared in accordance with the rules are sent to the editorial board via the file uploading system on the official website of the journal ( Physical copies will not be accepted.

No submission or publication fees are charged.

After the article is received, its compliance with the formal requirements will be checked within 15 days, followed by a single-blind peer review (see Review Statement).

Articles only require an expert assessment certificate stating that such articles contain no classified information if it is deemed necessary by the editor during the initial review.

Both the issue in which your article is published and the order of the articles are determined by the number of articles that have been submitted to different sections of the journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered on this journal’s website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.